LoK: Four Years Later7 *Preview*

7 min read

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sasuke12234's avatar
So far I'm not happy with the fight scenes at all.

"What happened to what we talked about Korra?" Asami angrily snapped as she sat on the steps to the Air Temple Island training ground. "I thought you were going to be nice and reconnect with Mako again, not start a fight with him." Ever since Korra's return Asami has been a frequent visitor at the island. Korra liked the company of someone else her own age with the guidance she needed, but she could do without the occasional lectures.
"Hey," Korra said as she pointed at Asami. "It wasn't my fault. Mako was the one who decided to open his big stupid mouth." Korra then faced a White Lotus she was sparing with and took her stance.
"But still, you shouldn't have snapped like you did." Asami said a last time.
"Would you just give me some credit for not punching his lights out?" Korra responded. After her response, Korra gave her opponent a slight nod.

After receiving his signal, the White Lotus guard kicked out a wave of fire straight toward Korra. She easily dodged the straight-on attack, but was surprised to see that the guard was gone. Korra stayed still and listened for a moment. Her hands were suddenly pulled back behind her back and held together at the wrist.

"But still, you could've saved the conversation before either of you got as mad as you did." Asami said as she leaned back against the step behind her and crossed her arms.

Korra rolled her eyes. She then stomped on the White Lotus guard's foot and head butted his chin. As the guard stumbled backwards, Korra jumped away and retook her stance. "Look Asami, I would like to have a nice and calm conversation with Mako again. But he needs to apologize to me first." Korra then ran toward the guard and threw a combo of fire blast at him. The guard went on the defense and dodged almost every attack – some hitting bits of his clothing. Korra landed flat on her feet and took her stance again. "And I mean by dragging his butt all the way here and begging me for forgiveness." The guard ran toward Korra and began to use hand-to-hand combat as his fighting style.

Asami rubbed her face a groaned in her hands. "You know that's not going to happen. Both of you are so stubborn. I bet you, right now, Mako is saying the same thing to Yumi and Bolin." Asami said as she followed Korra's movements. Korra was done talking about the subject, all she wanted to do now was finish up her Firebending practice. She kept defending herself from the White Lotus guard's punches as she was forced to walk backwards. After noticing a small opening, Korra dropped and swung a kick at the guard's legs. As he fell, Korra jumped up and slammed her foot on the guard's chest and readied herself for an attack.

"I win." Korra said confidently as she stared down at the pinned guard.
The guard sighed and rolled his eye. "Avatar Korra, why make us fight against you, when we all know the fight won't last long?"
Korra shrugged. "I don't know. I just like the practice I guess." Korra then stepped off the guard and helped him up. After their goodbyes, Korra walked over to where Asami was sitting and sat beside her. Korra grabbed a towel that off to the side and wiped off the sweat the formed on the back of her neck. "Look Asami, as much as I really don't want to believe it, but what if over time Mako and I changed and just don't notice it?" Korra asked her friend and she looked over to her. "I mean, whenever we try to talk, we fight. We even did that when we were dating. When I fully think about it, I don't want to be in a relationship with someone I fight with all the time."
"But you two did have those sweet moments every now and then." Asami interrupted.

Korra went quiet and thought about her past for a moment. She then slammed the towel on her face and groaned as she fell back on the brick covered ground. "I hate it when you're right!"

Asami had a proud smile on her face as she looked over to her friend. A few minutes of silence was graced on the two girls before a series of running footsteps approached them. Rohan ran up to Korra and stopped right before her head.

"Who's this Mako guy that Jinora and Ikki keep telling me about?! Is he really your boyfriend?!  You're not going to marry him are you?!" The distraught four-year-old asked in a screaming tone.
Korra moved the towel off her face and looked up at Rohan. Her face frowned. "I'm going to kill your sisters." Korra groaned as she began to stand up. "Look Rohan, Mako is an old friend and no, I'm not dating and I'm not even thinking of marring him."

Asami lightly laughed. "You would've said something completely different four years ago." Korra angrily looked over at Asami.
"What did she say?" Rohan asked.
"Nothing Rohan." Korra responded before kneeling down to Rohan. "Rohan, just don't listen to your sisters ever again. Now, can you tell your dad that Asami and I are going to Republic City to get lunch?"
Rohan nodded his head and gave Korra an innocent 'Okay'. He then gave Korra a hug before running back toward the temple.

"Awe he's so cute. If he was seventeen years old, you could date him." Asami said jokingly. Korra rolled her eyes.
Korra turned to Asami with a glare. "Are we going to eat, or what?"
"Ok, ok fine we're going. But I have to stop by the arena first." Asami responded as she stood and straightened out her skirt.
Korra groaned. "Why?"

In the training room the tension was high. Mako was standing on one side of the gym – his usual brooding, serious look on his face – and Bolin and Yumi standing on the other side as well – looking just as serious as their captain. Mako quickly took a fighting stance and – without warning – flung a multitude of fire blast at his teammates. The two opponents easily dodged the first round of fire by separating and taking the two-on-one circumstances to their advantage.

Yumi instantly bent water toward her captain after retrieving a steady stance. The powerful water tube was about two feet away from Mako before he shot a powerful fire blast to shield himself from the tube. As fire and water met, a pure white cloud of steam instantly filled most of the gym room.

Everyone was completely blind now. Mako decided to move a few feet away from where he was – thinking he would be attacked if he stayed. He kept his ears opened since his eyes have become completely useless to him.

In another part of the gym Yumi stayed where she was and bent the steam to thin out enough to where she could see. Yumi knew she had an advantage against Mako – she could see through a winter night's blizzard with ease, when she knew he couldn't.

Mako stayed still, staying patient for the deep steam to clear. He focused on using his hearing more now since his eyes have rendered themselves useless. He would barely hear anything useful to the fight he was active in. Suddenly Mako heard a creak in the floorboard – a footstep. Mako turned and kicked out a fire blast in the direction he heard the creak. After there was no sound of movement or grunt of pain, Mako became curious of what made the sound.

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cr4sygrl's avatar
soooo when it is gonna come out?